How Amazon Ads for Authors Can Significantly Increase Book Visibility and Attract More Reader

How Amazon Ads for Authors Can Significantly Increase Book Visibility and Attract More Reader

How Amazon Ads for Authors Can Make Your Books Visible to Readers:

Ah, the fascinating world of Amazon, where readers can embark on literary adventures with just a click. For self-published authors, it’s both an exciting opportunity and a daunting challenge. With millions of books competing for attention, how can you ensure that your precious creation stands out? The key lies in understanding and using Amazon algorithms. In this blog post, we’ll uncover the mysteries behind these digital wizards and share  strategies to enhance your book’s visibility. So, dear self-published author, let’s embark together on a journey to unravel the secrets of Amazon’s algorithms.

Why Use Amazon Ads?

As we’ve seen, millions of people buy books from Amazon. It is many times larger than any brick-and-mortar bookstore you can imagine. So, it makes sense to advertise where people come intending to buy books. Even if your book covers some obscure, narrow topic, the odds are that somebody is searching on Amazon for a book like yours.

Sure, you can advertise online in more general ways, such as with Google Ads or their Facebook equivalent, but in that case, you are most likely to be viewed by a general audience, most of whom have no interest in buying a book when they see your ad.

On the other hand, Amazon Sponsored Product ads show up when somebody searches on Amazon for a particular book topic or niche. For example, if somebody is interested in reading a “cozy mystery” the first few results they see are Sponsored ads – although they are just as relevant and look just like any other books that Amazon displays.

Sure, you can advertise online in more general ways, such as with Google Ads or their Facebook equivalent, but in that case, you are most likely to be viewed by a general audience, most of whom have no interest in buying a book when they see your ad.

On the other hand, Amazon Sponsored Product ads show up when somebody searches on Amazon for a particular book topic or niche. For example, if somebody is interested in reading a “cozy mystery” the first few results they see are Sponsored ads – although they are just as relevant and look just like any other books that Amazon displays.

Similar ads also appear in the “Related Books” section of pages of books in the same niche.

What Types of Ads Can You Buy on Amazon Ads?

Amazon offers three types of Sponsored Ads for authors (two of them very similar to ad types for marketing other products) alongside Display Ads for more established authors and publishers:

  • Sponsored Products – use these to promote individual books.
  • Sponsored Brands – use these to promote collections of books, e.g., a book series.
  • Lockscreen Ads – use these to promote eBooks on Kindle E-readers and Fire tablets.
  • Managed Display Services – use these to expand your reach and grow your business by reaching relevant audiences. Available in all marketplaces for authors and publishers, although predominantly targeted at publishers, with larger sales (and thus advertising budgets).

Sponsored Products Ads

These appear within product detail pages and shopping results. 
Sponsored Products ads look like organic book listings, and include familiar items like star ratings, reviews, and product prices. Amazon’s AI sources the copy from the book’s detail page, although US advertisers can include additional text if they choose.
When somebody clicks on your ad, Amazon takes them directly to the book’s details page. 
You can buy Sponsored Products ads in the US, UK, Germany, France, Italy, Spain, Canada, and Australia.

Sponsored Brands Ads

These appear within product detail pages and shopping results.

Sponsored Products ads look like organic book listings, and include familiar items like star ratings, reviews, and product prices. Amazon’s AI sources the copy from the book’s detail page, although US advertisers can include additional text if they choose.

When somebody clicks on your ad, Amazon takes them directly to the book’s details page. 
You can buy Sponsored Products ads in the US, UK, Germany, France, Italy, Spain, Canada, and Australia.

Lock Screen Ads

If somebody taps on a Lockscreen Ad, Amazon takes them directly to the eBook’s details page (if they’re online and able to purchase), or to a landing page if the device is offline.
Leverage Lockscreen ads to directly showcase your eBooks to a highly engaged audience. Craft attention-grabbing ads that cater to readers’ interests, finely tuned by genre, as they explore their Kindle E-readers and Fire tablets. Streamline the buying and downloading experience, making it effortless for them to access your titles with just a click. You can currently buy Lockscreen ads in the US only.